The price of potassium persulfate and the factors affecting the price

The price of potassium persulfate isaffected by a variety of factors, including supply and demand conditions, raw material costs, production technology, market competitiveness, policies and regulations. Here's some specific information and analysis based on the search


Price situation

1. Market price: According to the quotationinformation, on April 5, 2024, the factory price of domestic potassium persulfate (99%, 25kg/ bag) is 13,000 yuan/ton, while the market price is
10,500 yuan/ton. This indicates that there are certain fluctuations and differences in the market price of potassium persulfate, which may be related to factors such as suppliers, product quality, and trading location.

Factors that affect the price

1. Supply and demand: the market price ofpotassium persulfate is affected by supply and demand. If the market demand for potassium persulfate increases, the price may rise; Conversely, if the market is oversupplied, prices may fall.

2. Raw material cost: The production costof potassium persulfate, especially the cost of raw materials, has a direct impact on its market price. If raw material prices rise, the cost of producing potassium persulfate will also increase, which may lead to an increase in the
market price of potassium persulfate.

3. Production technology: technologicalprogress can reduce production costs and improve production efficiency. With the improvement of production technology, the production cost of potassium persulfate may be reduced, which in turn affects the market price.

4. Market competitiveness: The degree ofcompetition in the market will also affect the price of potassium persulfate. If there are more competitors in the market, companies may lower their prices in order to attract customers.


5. Policies and regulations: Governmentpolicies and regulations, such as environmental protection regulations, trade policies, etc., will also affect the production and sales of potassium
persulfate, which will affect the price.

6. Macroeconomic factors: Macroeconomicconditions, such as gross domestic product (GDP) growth, can also affect the market price of potassium persulfate.

In summary, the price of potassiumpersulfate is affected by a variety of factors, which interact with each other to determine the market value of potassium persulfate. Understanding these
factors is important for potassium persulfate producers, suppliers and consumers alike.