The price of ammonium chloride and the factors affecting the price

The price of ammonium chloride is affectedby a variety of factors, based on the search results, the following is an overview of the price of ammonium chloride and its influencing factors:

1. Price volatility: Since July 2023, themarket for ammonium chloride has experienced a sharp rebound. As of August 10, the market price of agricultural ammonium chloride dry ammonium in East China was 700 yuan/ton, an increase of 17.65% from 595 yuan/ton in early July. Prior
to this, the market for ammonium chloride has fallen sharply since 2023, and the price has hit a near ten-year low.

2. Supply and demand relationship: thesupply and demand situation of ammonium chloride has a direct impact on its price. For example, the construction of compound fertilizer has increased, and the demand for ammonium chloride has increased, which has pushed up the price of ammonium chloride. At the same time, the supply of ammonium chloride continued to expand, the accumulation gradually increased, and the high price of ammonium chloride fell sharply under the pressure of supply and demand.

3. Raw material cost: The sharp rise in theprice of liquid ammonia as a raw material has led to a shift in the cost center of gravity of ammonium chloride, which has pushed up the price of ammonium chloride. The fall of liquid ammonia price will form a small negative for ammonium chloride price.

4. Related product prices: Changes in theprices of urea and liquid ammonia have a significant impact on the price of ammonium chloride. The rise of urea price will pull the rise of ammonium chloride price, and the fall of urea price will have a negative impact on the
ammonium chloride market.

5. The operating rate of the joint alkaliprocess manufacturer: The joint alkali process is one of the main methods of producing ammonium chloride, and the change of its operating rate directly affects the supply of ammonium chloride. Higher operating rates will increase
market supply and may lead to lower prices; A fall in operating rates could reduce supply and push up prices.

6. Seasonal factors: The price fluctuationof ammonium chloride has a certain seasonal law. For example, increased demand during spring fattening may push up prices, while the end of summer fattening and the traditional off-season for fattening may cause prices to fall.

7. Policy and market sentiment: Policychanges, market expectations and sentiment will also have an impact on ammonium chloride prices. For example, state intervention in excessively high coal prices caused liquid ammonia and ammonium chloride prices to fall simultaneously.

In summary, the price of ammonium chloride isaffected by a variety of factors, such as supply and demand, raw material costs, related product prices, the operating rate of joint alkali process
manufacturers, seasonal factors, and policy and market sentiment. These factors interact together to determine the market value of ammonium chloride. Understanding these factors is important for ammonium chloride producers, suppliers and consumers.