The application of ammonium chloride in medicine

The application of ammonium chloride inmedicine mainly includes the following aspects:

1. Expectorant: Ammonium chloride has astimulating expectorant effect, suitable for dry cough and sputum is not easy to cough up. By stimulating the gastric mucosa, it reflexively increases the secretion of respiratory glands, thinning sputum and making it easier to cough up.

2. Adjustment of acid-base balance:Ammonium chloride can be used to correct metabolic alkalosis, such as in the case of severe metabolic alkalosis, when the application of sufficient sodium chloride injection cannot be satisfactorily corrected, ammonium chloride can be
used as a therapeutic means.

3. Detection of tubular acidificationfunction: ammonium chloride load test can be used to understand the tubular acidification function and help in the differential diagnosis of tubular

4. Food additives: In the food industry,high-purity ammonium chloride is used for yeast culture and as a food processing aid.

5. Drug stabilizer: ammonium chloride inthe preparation of some drugs, can play a role in protecting and stabilizing the drug ingredients, to prevent the drug from losing activity due to
oxidation, hydrolysis or other reactions.

6. Drug delivery systems: Scientists areexploring the use of ammonium chloride in drug delivery systems, such as nanoparticle carriers and controlled release technologies, to improve drug targeting, bioavailability and stability.

7. Test of the viscosity of syntheticfibers: ammonium chloride is used as an analytical reagent for the test of the viscosity of synthetic fibers, which is also an important application in the
field of medicine.

In summary, ammonium chloride has a varietyof applications in the field of medicine, not only in the treatment of respiratory diseases, but also in the preparation, stability and delivery of
drugs plays an important role. With the development of medical technology, the application of ammonium chloride in the field of medicine may be further expanded and deepened.