Preparation and application of Ulotropine

Ulotropine (Carbimazole) is an organiccompound with the formula C5H8N4S, which is a white crystalline solid with a
bitter taste and is soluble in water and alcohol. Ulotropine is mainly used in
the medical field, especially in the treatment of hyperthyroidism has a
remarkable effect. The following is a detailed introduction to the preparation
method and application field of Ulotropine.

Preparationof Ulotropine

The synthesis of ulotropine usuallyinvolves a multi-step chemical reaction, and the following is a simplified
preparation process:

1. Starting material: The preparation ofUlotropine usually uses thiourea (a reactant of ammonium sulfate and ammonia)
as the starting material.

2. Chlorination reaction: thiourea reactswith chlorination reagents (such as phosphorus chloride) to produce thiourea

3. Cyclization reaction: thiourea chloridefurther reacts with cyanide to form cyanothiourea.

4. Amination reaction: cyanothiourea reactswith an appropriate amino compound (such as ammonia or amine) to produce

This process may involve more intermediatesteps and purification processes, and the specific synthesis route may be
adjusted according to the desired purity and yield.

Theapplication of Ulotropine

1. Medical field:

- Hyperthyroidism: Ulotropine is one of thedrugs of choice for the treatment of hyperthyroidism. It reduces the level of
thyroid hormone in the blood by inhibiting the synthesis of thyroid hormone.

- Other uses: Ulotropine can also be usedto treat other thyroid related conditions, such as thyroid tumors and

2. Chemical Research:

-Ulotropine and its derivatives are used asintermediates in organic synthesis to synthesize other sulfur - or
nitrogen-containing compounds.

3. Analytical Chemistry:

-Ulotropine can be used as an analyticalagent to detect certain metal ions or organic compounds.

Ulotropine needs special attention whenused and stored because it has certain toxicity and irritation. In the
laboratory or industrial production, appropriate safety measures should be
taken, such as wearing protective equipment, ensuring good ventilation
conditions, and following relevant safe operating procedures. Ulotropine should
be stored in a cool, dry place, away from heat and fire, and avoid contact with
oxidizing agents or strong acids.


Ulotropine is an important pharmaceuticalchemical that is mainly used to treat hyperthyroidism. Its synthesis process
involves multiple steps and requires fine operation and control. In terms of
application, ulotropine not only has an important position in the field of
medicine, but also has its specific use in chemical research and analytical
chemistry. When using and storing ulotropine, safety regulations must be
followed to prevent accidents.