Potassium persulfate in the global and Chinese market size and conditions

The market size and market of potassiumpersulfate in the world and China show a steady growth trend. According to the report, the global persulfate market size is expected to grow from $427 million in 2019 to $476 million in 2024, at a CAGR of 2.2%. Potassium persulfate, a
type of persulfate, is growing in market size driven by the demand for a variety of application areas, such as initiators for polymerization reactions, oxidants for water treatment, etc.

In terms of the Chinese market, it is shownthat the market size of potassium persulfate in China in 2021 will reach 100 million yuan (RMB unit is not clear), showing the importance of China in the global potassium persulfate market. In addition, the Chinese market is affected by the income level and consumption level of residents, and these economic factors may affect the demand for potassium persulfate and the market situation.


The forecast report shows that the globalpotassium persulfate market will continue to grow in the next few years. According to the analysis, the water treatment industry is the fastest growing
end-use industry in the persulfate market, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years, especially in the Asia Pacific region, where the application of potassium persulfate in the field of soil remediation is expected to grow due to increased awareness of environmental protection and increasing concern about soil pollution issues.

Overall, the global and Chinese potassiumpersulfate market size is expected to continue to expand in the next few years, influenced by factors such as environmental protection needs, industrial application expansion, and economic development.