Application of sodium bromide in pharmaceutical field

Sodium bromide has a wide range ofapplications in the field of medicine, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Production of drugs: Sodium bromide, asa key pharmaceutical intermediate, can be used to manufacture a variety of drugs. It plays an important role in the preparation of neurosedatives,
hypnotics, diuretics and anticonvulsants. For example, sodium bromide can be used in the production of sedatives and diuretics, which have a remarkable effect on the treatment of neurasthenia, nervous insomnia, excitatory states and other conditions.

2. Disinfection and preservative: Inhospitals and laboratories, sodium bromide can be used to sterilize surgical instruments and keep the environment clean to prevent bacterial infection.

3. Regulation of thyroid function: Sodiumbromide can also be used to regulate thyroid function, which is helpful for the treatment of thyroid related diseases.

4. Treatment of arrhythmias: In addition tonervous system-related disorders, sodium bromide can also be used to treat certain types of arrhythmias.

5. Organic synthesis: In pharmaceuticalsynthesis, sodium bromide can be used as a raw material for organic reactions to synthesize various drug molecules.

6. Analytical reagents: Sodium bromide canalso be used as an analytical reagent for micro-analysis to determine the content of cadmium.

7. Preparation of photographic latex:sodium bromide can react with silver nitrate solution, etc., for the preparation of photographic latex.


To sum up, sodium bromide is widely used in thefield of medicine, not only plays an important role in the preparation of drugs, but also has important uses in disinfection, antisepsis, regulation of thyroid function, treatment of arrhythmia and other aspects. These applications
of sodium bromide reflect its importance and versatility in the field of medicine.