Application of potassium persulfate in water treatment

The application of potassium persulfate(K2S2O8) in water treatment is mainly reflected in its use as an oxidizer in advanced oxidation technologies for the degradation and removal of organic pollutants and odors in water. The following is the specific application of
potassium persulfate in water treatment:

1. Degradation of organic pollutants:Potassium persulfate can be activated by heat, alkali, transition metal,
ultraviolet and other means to produce sulfate radical (SO4·-) and hydroxyl
radical (·OH), which are highly active free radicals that can oxidize and
decompose most organic matter.


2. Removal of odors from water: Studieshave shown that ultrasonic activated persulfate technology can effectively remove typical odors from water, such as dimethylisobornol (2-MIB) and geodin (GSM). In the combined ultrasonic/persulfate process, the removal rate of 2-MIB
and GSM can be increased by 57.0% and 63.6%, respectively, compared with ultrasonic treatment alone.

3. Improve removal efficiency: The use ofpotassium persulfate can improve the removal efficiency of pollutants in the water treatment process. For example, in the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater, the combination of potassium persulfate and microwave can
effectively improve the removal rate and decolorization rate of TOC.

4. Influencing factors: The efficiency ofpotassium persulfate in water treatment is affected by a variety of factors, including the concentration of potassium persulfate, ultrasonic sound intensity, pH value and the presence of humic acid in the water body.

5 Application prospects: potassiumpersulfate in the application of water treatment prospects are widely optimistic, although there may be some problems in practical application, such
as cost, operating conditions optimization, but as an efficient and environmentally friendly water treatment technology, it has great potential for development.

In summary, the application of potassiumpersulfate in the field of water treatment has significant effects, especially in advanced oxidation technology, which can effectively remove organic pollutants and odors in water and improve water quality. With the development
of research and technology, the application of potassium persulfate in water treatment will be more extensive and efficient.