Application of potassium persulfate in metal etching

The application of potassium persulfate inmetal etching is reflected in its properties as an oxidizing agent, which can effectively promote the etching process on metal surfaces. The following is the specific application of potassium persulfate in metal etching:

1. Electronic circuit board etching:Potassium persulfate is widely used in the microetching process of printed circuit boards (PCBS), especially in the etching of copper interconnects. It
provides a stable and predictable etching rate, which is essential for the manufacture of precision electronic components.

2. Molybdenum/copper composite metal layeretching: In the etching process of molybdenum/copper composite metal layer, potassium persulfate can be used as an effective etching agent, and compared with other persulfides, potassium persulfate shows the best etching effect.

3. Metal surface treatment: Potassiumpersulfate is also used in metal surface treatment, such as chrome plating and metal cleaning and other fields. It removes oxides or other contaminants from the metal surface by REDOX reaction, thus achieving the cleaning and renewal of
the metal surface.

4. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) : Inthe semiconductor manufacturing process, potassium persulfate is used as an oxidizing agent in the chemical mechanical polishing slurry, which helps to improve the polishing efficiency and surface quality.

5. Micro etching agent: The principle ofpotassium persulfate composite salt in PCB etching is to use its oxidation ability to react with the metal surface to achieve micro-scale etching.

These applications demonstrate the diversity andimportance of potassium persulfate in the field of metal etching, not only providing efficient etching solutions, but also meeting the high requirements for etching precision and quality in precision manufacturing processes. With
the continuous development of the electronics and semiconductor industry, the application of potassium persulfate in metal etching may be further expanded and deepened.