Application of potassium persulfate in environmental science

The application of potassium persulfate(K2S2O8) in environmental science is mainly reflected in its use as an oxidizer in advanced oxidation technology to treat refractory organic pollutants and improve water quality standards. The following are specific applications of potassium persulfate in environmental science:

1. Advanced oxidation technology (AOPs) :Potassium persulfate is a new advanced oxidation technology, which can produce sulfate radical (SO4·-) and hydroxyl radical (·OH), which have strong oxidation ability and can effectively oxidize and decompose many organic compounds.

2. Soil remediation: Potassium persulfatehas a wide range of application prospects in soil remediation, mainly used to treat organic pollutants in soil, such as pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, etc.

3. Refractory organic wastewater treatment:Potassium persulfate can be used to treat refractory organic wastewater produced by chemical, petrochemical and other industries, generate free
radicals through activation, efficient removal of organic matter.

4. Drinking water treatment: Potassiumpersulfate is also suitable for improving the quality of drinking water standards, through advanced oxidation technology to remove odors and other harmful chemicals in the water.

5. Sludge dehydration conditioning: Studieshave shown that potassium persulfate combined with Fe2+ can improve the dehydration performance of sludge, and improve the dehydration efficiency of sludge by destroying the structure of extracellular polymer (EPS).

6. Printing and dyeing wastewatertreatment: potassium persulfate shows good decolorization effect in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, and the combination of microwave can further improve the treatment efficiency.

7. Non-free radical pathway degradation ofpollutants: The latest research shows that potassium persulfate can degrade pollutants through non-free radical pathway under certain conditions, which provides a new research direction for the application of potassium persulfate.

These applications demonstrate theimportance and diversity of potassium persulfate in environmental science, not only for the effective treatment of various organic pollutants, but also for providing new treatment mechanisms under specific conditions. With the development of research and technology, the application of potassium persulfate in the field of environmental science may be further expanded and deepened.