Application of ammonium chloride in industrial raw materials

Ammonium chloride is widely used inindustrial raw materials, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Manufacturing dry batteries andbatteries: ammonium chloride as an important chemical raw material can be used to produce dry batteries and batteries.


2. Production of other ammonium salts:Ammonium chloride can be used to make other types of ammonium salts, which have a wide range of uses in chemical production.

3. Electroplating additives: Ammoniumchloride is used as an additive in the electroplating industry, which can improve the quality and performance of the coating.

4. Metal welding flux: In the metal weldingprocess, ammonium chloride can be used as a flux, which helps to reduce the melting point of the metal and improve the welding effect.

5. Tanning: Ammonium chloride is used as atanning material in leather processing to tanning leather and improve the softness and durability of leather.


6. Medicine: Ammonium chloride is used asan expectorant in the field of medicine, which can stimulate the gastric mucosa, reflexively stimulate the respiratory glands, promote the secretion of bronchial glands, and make the sputum thin and easy to cough up.

7. Candle and adhesive: Ammonium chlorideis also used in the candle and adhesive industry to improve the performance and quality of products.

8. Beneficiation: In beneficiation,ammonium chloride can be used as an inhibitor of arsenic minerals to help solve the problem of excessive arsenic in lead and zinc concentrates.

9. Fabric printing and detergent: Ammoniumchloride is also used in fabric printing and detergent manufacturing to improve printing and dyeing effect and washing performance.

10. Analytical reagent: ammonium chlorideis used as an analytical reagent, such as preparing ammonia buffer, supporting electrolyte for electrochemical analysis, interference inhibitor for atomic absorption spectrometry analysis, etc.

These applications demonstrate the diversity andimportance of ammonium chloride in the field of industrial raw materials, which can not only provide strong industrial application performance, but also meet different industrial needs. With the development of technology and changes in market demand, the application of ammonium chloride in the field of industrial
raw materials may be further expanded and deepened.