Application of ammonium chloride in food industry

The application of ammonium chloride in thefood industry mainly includes the following aspects:


1. As a food additive: Ammonium chloride isused as a food additive to enhance the properties of the final food because it works synergistically with other ingredients. For example, ammonium chloride can be used as a leavening agent and halogen contributor to increase the taste
of food.

2. Yeast feed: Food-grade ammonium chlorideas a yeast feed is an efficient source of nitrogen nutrition, mainly used in the brewing of wine and soy sauce. In the experiment, the growth rate and quality of bacteria in the culture medium with ammonium chloride as nitrogen source were much higher than those in other culture medium with nitrogen source.

3. Dough conditioner: Ammonium chloride isgenerally used after mixing with sodium bicarbonate as a dough conditioner, and the amount is about 25% of sodium bicarbonate, or 10 ~ 20g/kg of wheat flour. Adding the mixture of vitamin C and ammonium chloride can make the dough have good elasticity, extensibility and machinability, and make the bread have good
volume, color, flavor, organization and elasticity.

4. Substitute salt: Because eating too muchsodium chloride is obviously harmful to the body, ammonium chloride is used as a substitute for salt in foreign countries, and is used as a flavor agent in bread, biscuits and other foods. In many countries, ammonium chloride and licorice are boiled into a flavor, which is used in various foods, or ammonium chloride is added to vodka as a flavor.

5. Food leavening agent: Ammonium chlorideis also used as food leavening agent (used together with sodium bicarbonate) and toffee, yeast nutrition, dough conditioner.

6. Characteristics of food-grade ammoniumchloride: Compared with industrial grade ammonium chloride, food-grade ammonium chloride has high purity (99.5%-99.8%), extremely low impurity content, and low heavy metal ion content.

In summary, ammonium chloride has a varietyof applications in the food industry, not only as a leavening agent and dough conditioner, but also as a substitute for yeast and salt to improve food quality and safety. As the focus on healthy diet increases, the application of ammonium chloride in the food industry is likely to further expand and deepen.