Application of ammonium chloride in agriculture

Ammonium chloride is mainly used asnitrogen fertilizer in agriculture and is suitable for the cultivation of a variety of crops. The following are some specific applications of ammonium
chloride in agriculture:


1. Nitrogen fertilizer application:Ammonium chloride is an economical and effective nitrogen source supply that can provide nitrogen required for crop growth. It is suitable for rice, wheat,
cotton, hemp, vegetables and other crops, help to promote the growth of stems and leaves of crops and improve yields.

2. Soil improvement: ammonium chloride inthe application process can improve the physical properties of the soil, increase the soil permeability and permeability, contribute to the development of crop roots and the improvement of soil structure.

3. Improve crop stress resistance: Thechloride ions in ammonium chloride can enhance the disease resistance and stress resistance of crops, especially in drought and saline conditions, which help crops grow better.

4. Promote crop maturity: The applicationof ammonium chloride can promote the maturity of crops, improve the maturity and quality of crops, especially in fruit trees and some cash crops.

5. Increase crop yield: Ammonium chlorideas nitrogen fertilizer can significantly increase crop yield. Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth, and appropriate application of
ammonium chloride can effectively improve crop yield and quality.

6. Reduce nitrogen loss: Compared withother nitrogen fertilizers such as urea, ammonium chloride loses less in the soil, which can reduce the environmental pollution of nitrogen and improve the utilization efficiency of fertilizer.

It should be noted that the application ofammonium chloride needs to be reasonably controlled according to soil conditions and crop needs to avoid excessive application leading to soil
salinization or crop damage. At the same time, ammonium chloride is not suitable for use on acidic soils or chlorine-sensitive crops, so as not to affect crop growth and soil health.